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World All of My Own

  The breeze outside blows eerily,
  It rustles through the pines.
  Mick is on the turntable.
  He don't know where to draw the line. 
  The lights in here are flashing
  In a different sort of way,
  My nerves are at the breaking point.
  I'm rehearsing for a play.

  My imagination runs away,
  And I'm stranded on a cloud.
  My mind is spinning helplessly,
  The music's getting loud.

  The windows rattle with the wind, 
  but to me it's scarcely known,
  I'm safe alone here in my room. 
  In a world all of my own.
  While it rains out there,
  It snows in here.
  I live what suits me best.
  I never had the nature to
  Conform with all the rest.

  I look into the sky and see
  Venus slowly floating by.
  She hopes Mars will stay away,
  'Cuz she's too tired to try.

   A dragonfly who's bragging by
   Is spoiling for a fight.
   He says he's bothered by my music,
   And my weirdly flashing light.

   I tell him like all the rest
   To leave my life alone.
   He judges and intrudes into
   The world that's all my own.

   I never ask for trouble,
   But it seems that's all I get.
   And I haven't met a person
   Who understands me yet.

   I sigh upon my cloud and think
   There's only one thing that grips my heart.
   I don't want any dragonflies
   To tear my world apart.

   Now the light is flashing faster
   And the room is spinning 'round.
   The ceiling is receding
   And I fall upon the ground.

   My mind has disappeared somewhere,
   The cloud I ride has flown.
   I guess they decided to leave me here,
   In a world all of my own.

©1977 Karla Tipton